Coronavirus in SC: Port of Imbituba acts in prevention against COVID-19

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Coronavirus in SC: Port of Imbituba acts in prevention against COVID-19

Since the end of January, SCPAR Port of Imbituba is acting in preventing COVID-19. We are in direct contact with the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA – National Health Surveillance Agency), which has a service station in the Port of Imbituba, and aligned with the Government of the State of Santa Catarina, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the National Secretariat of Ports and the Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (ANTAQ – National Waterway Transport Agency ) to take all necessary preventive measures, in parallel with the continuity of port operations. Also worthy of note is the partnership of the entire Imbituba port community, tenants, operators, Órgão Gestor de Mão de Obra de Imbituba (OGMO – Imbituba Labor Management Body) and the Unions of Individual Workers (Stowage, Ushers, Lecturers, Tying, Repairers and Watchmen).
Stay tuned for information and avoid Fake News! Below are listed the main actions that are taking place at the Port of Imbituba. Have any questions? Talk to us!
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For health recommendations and newsletters on the situation in Santa Catarina, follow the official website and the social networks of the Government of the State of Santa Catarina.
Instagram, Facebook e Youtube: @governosc
Twitter: @GovSC
The Port of Imbituba is operating normally. We are working to maintain the supply of inputs, as well as being extremely attentive to the global situation and taking the necessary measures to preserve the health and safety of all. It should be noted that only the Federal Government may determine the closure of port facilities.
There is strict control over all the vessels that dock at Imbituba. It is worth noting that the Sanitary Authority in ports is held by ANVISA, the responsible organ for sanitary control in the Port of Imbituba. In this moment of global attention to the coronavirus, efforts are collective to preserve the health and safety of everyone, crew, workers, users and the community.
No vessel may dock or operate at the port without the control and prior authorization of ANVISA. This authorization takes place with the issue of the Certificate of Free Practice (CLP). This certificate is only granted after analysis of the Maritime Health Declaration, which certifies the health conditions of the crew. To issue the certificate, are also required and carefully analyzed: the list of travelers with their places and dates of embarkation and disembarkation, records of medical care on board.
With the publication of Ordinance No. 47, held on March 26, 2020 in the Official Gazette of the Union by the ministers of civil office, justice and public security, infrastructure and health, we are following the determination of the federal government to restrict the landing of foreigners at the port for 30 days. The transport and unloading of cargo will normally continue. In any case, before the publication of the Ordinance, the crews of national and international vessels were already guided not to get off the vessels to go to the city while they were in the Port of Imbituba.
In case of need of medical care for crew members, ANVISA is the first organ to be communicated. In case of suspicion of infectious disease, ANVISA will initiate the contingency protocols.
Since March (20) the Port of Imbituba has a 24 hour/day control to monitor the temperature and health status of the Port’s users, at the gateways, before they enter the port area. The goal is to protect the health of all.
On April 4th, the Port Authority also took over the management of the sanitary barriers located in the accesses to the municipality of Imbituba. All truckers heading to the port are briefly interviewed about the presence of symptoms of COVID-19 and the body temperature is measured.
Non-compliant cases (body temperature above 37.5 degrees) cannot access the Port and are advised to follow the recommendations of the municipal government.
In order to follow the guidelines established by the Government of the State of Santa Catarina in IN 05.2020.SEA and the recommendations of the health agencies, during the public health emergency period, SCPAR Porto de Imbituba adopted the document protocol in digital form. The documents should be sent to
Care to prevent coronavirus in the Port of Imbituba began in January. Once informed by ANVISA about COVID-19’s advance in the world, the Port Authority released ANVISA’s information materials (epidemiological report and spot) to the company’s servers and passed on the information to companies operating at the Port, such as port workers, service providers, operators and maritime agents, through e-mail, posters and WhatsApp groups.
It also distributed posters from ANVISA, the Secretary of State for Health and posters produced internally with tips on prevention. The materials are fixed at strategic points of circulation of people in the port, such as gateways, coexistence houses and administrative buildings.
EXTERNAL SINKS AND ALCOHOL GEL: The distribution of alcohol gel dispensers for use by workers and other users of the Port of Imbituba was reinforced, including at the dockside, in access points to vessels, in totens. Given the difficulty in purchasing alcohol gel, sinks were also installed in the external area of the coexistence houses of port workers. It should be noted that washing your hands with soap and water is as effective as using alcohol gel.
CLARIFICATION MEETINGS: In late January and early February SCPAR Porto de Imbituba held two meetings to clarify information on the sanitary control carried out at the port and to align preventive measures against COVID-19. The meetings brought together representatives of several institutions that operate in the port, such as SCPAR, ANVISA, ANTAQ, Navy, Federal Revenue, Fire Department, OGMO, unions, maritime agency and port operator. The February meeting also included representatives from municipal, regional and state health surveillance and epidemiology. From the February meeting the Contingency Plan of the Port of Imbituba was updated. New meetings have been held with port community agents by videoconference.
The Contingency Plan for Public Health Emergencies at the Port of Imbituba, such as COVID-19, can be activated at any time, if necessary.
On March 16, 2020, the executive board of SCPAR Porto de Imbituba established Resolution No. 40 with guidelines on protection measures for COVID-19, where it indicates that servers in risk groups or with assignments compatible with home office may perform remote work while the state of health emergency persists. Since Thursday (19/03), 85% of SCPAR Porto de Imbituba’s staff has been working in home office. The essential services of operational attendance and maintenance of the port infrastructure continue to be carried out normally in person.
Single Port Workers (TPAs): The OGMO decision of March 20 allows TPAs over 60 years old not to qualify for escalation, preserving their accumulations. TPAs with chronic respiratory diseases were also released.
SCPAR Port of Imbituba Outsourced: On Wednesday (18/03) SCPAR Porto de Imbituba requested the company providing outsourced services to dismiss workers in risk groups.
Resolution 40 also establishes the suspension for 30 days of events, meetings, visits that are not indispensable, trading sessions or bids that may be postponed, courses and professional trips within SCPAR Port of Imbituba.


Port Authority Communication Department

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